Arrangements should be made by contacting the rectory (401-949-1500).
First Penance and First Communion
First Penance and First Communion Preparation take place during the 2nd Grade.
Our Confirmation Preparation takes place over the course of 2 years during 7th & 8th grade, with young people receiving the Sacrament in the Spring of 8th Grade.
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults and Children is the process by which older children and adults prepare for entrance into the Catholic Church. The OCIA is a re-establishment of the initiation method used by the Church in the first few centuries. OCIA uses scripture, prayer, and sharing to help new members of the community come to a realization of their relationship with God and with one another. This process, which is only part of a lifelong journey from birth to final union with God, culminates each year with the reception of the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil. (Baptism, First Eucharist, Confirmation). For more information, please speak to one of our priests or call the Office of Faith Formation at 401.949.0330.